Consultants - Marianne Skelcher

Consultants - Marianne Skelcher
Marianne Skelcher

Marianne is passionate about helping leaders deliver business results through making work a great place to be for everyone.


HR consulting: Marianne specialises in consulting on HR and OD strategy in support of creating great workplaces; working with Boards to develop their vision, values and leadership; and with HR directors and their teams to benchmark and develop their practice. She also has specialist experience in diversity, especially gender, race and sexuality, plus a particular interest in values driven leadership and culture change.

Facilitation: Marianne is skilled and comfortable working with teams and groups of all sizes and configurations. She is an experienced conference speaker and workshop leader. Clients particularly value her ability to help teams think clearly about both business and HR strategy. She is often called on to help individuals and teams have ‘difficult’ conversations and deal with complex interpersonal issues.

Executive Coach: Marianne is an accredited executive coach, and holds an advanced diploma from the Academy of Executive Coaching. She works with leaders to support them in being the best leaders they can be. By listening deeply and challenging supportively, she helps her clients to access their own best thinking to address and resolve the challenges they and their organisations face.

Governance and Board Development: A Chartered Director, Marianne works with third sector Boards to help them review and improve their effectiveness and designs bespoke appraisal and Board development interventions to support that.

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