Talent Development

Talent Development

Managing Top Talent

Who should attend:

New and experienced people managers with an interest in being talent scouts for the company.


  • Create managers who support a strong talent pipeline
  • Attract high performers seeking exceptional management support
  • Grow teams that deliver beyond expectations.


Two day workshop + one day follow up

Day one - what it takes to be successful; what helps and hinders high performance. Managers focus on themselves, then apply learning to their people.

Day two - small, confidential learning groups that explore the workings of their teams and define a robust action plan for the next six weeks.

Day three - six weeks later managers review action plans, learn from their experience and design their next steps.


By the end of the programme, managers will be able to manage and support high performers in their teams, delivering strong results and high talent retention.

Call Judith today to discuss the benefits of this workshop for your company. 01727 765521
or email

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