Making the most of those challenging turning points!
We all know times when life turns on a sixpence and our plans, so lovingly formed, go out of the window. Some people love the challenge; others regret the stability - whatever the reaction, we just have to find out way through to the other side. And, when managed well, the journey will take us to something far better than we ever dreamed of.
Crossroads is a workshop that addresses exactly this issue. Designed specifically for Lend Lease Foundation during a time of turbulence, it focuses on how to leverage changes so participants feel better off for the challenge.
The process
Building on research from The Psychology of Success, the first day is spent exploring the participants approach to success:
- What success looks like to set a vital benchmark for new plans.
- How change happens - The Life Alignment Curve - and how to make best use of the process in the shortest time.
- Understanding achiever style - recognising that everyone has their own way of handling change.
- Reviewing mindsets - how they help or hinder and how to develop a positive antidote when required.
It is a busy day, but full of learning, delivery epiphanies from the outset.
On day two - the group break into small learning groups, each with facilitator support. Each person has the support of the group to focus on the specific challenge or opportunity they face, exploring the essence of the issue and defining the best next steps.
Again it is a long and tiring day, but one that brings huge satisfaction with it. Faces that were long at 9 am on day one are smiling by the end of day two and life looks hopeful again!
"The biggest benefit to me was finding self belief. I no longer need to suppress my talents and gifts in order to satisfy what I perceive others expect from me. Instead I do what is right for me, but of course, that means I do a better job, so everyone gains!"
The value of Crossroads
Uncertainty creates a strong desire for order. When work changes, the economy takes a dive, jobs begin to go, many people develop a sense urgency: Will we cope? Will I lose my job? What about my career?
Knowing how you respond to challenge and success provides a clear route map for subsequent challenges - in and out of the workplace. We all spend our lives travelling the Life Alignment Curve - know what it is, how it works and how to milk it will make each change quicker and more effective.
This is the ideal workshop for people in change - positive and negative. It provides a different style of support that is empowering and enlivening.
Crossroads/Turning Points - Sarah - Click here
After her second child Sarah returned from maternity leave trying to work out what was next for herself and her career. Should she stay part time or was this the moment to go back to a full time job? The option was open and it was time for some decisions.
"I learned so much, it’s hard to quantify. I understand more about the psychology of change and decision making. I now know I have a core talent and what it is; I am much clearer how I want to look after myself and how to make decisions more objectively."
"A powerful element was discovering my core talent. Knowing where my strength lies and what I most enjoy means I can push myself to get more involved in the right areas - which is giving me better job satisfaction."
"Overall, I feel more focused and more normal again!"
"I really appreciated this opportunity to learn about myself and how I function. I also met and talked with like-minded people from other sites and other countries, which had given me a better appreciation of Lend Lease and my role within the business."
Crossroads/Turning Points - Margaret - Click here
The project Margaret worked was due to end within the year. She saw a role she really wanted, but doubted her own ability. Her skill was not in question, it was her self belief that was struggling.
"I had some tough decisions to make, but the workshop helped me see that I have inner strengths and talents that I can call on to help me make the right choices. I felt better about myself and can also see how I can use my own learning to help others who are struggling."
"Since attending the workshop, I try and find the balance in everything I do/every decision I make, without losing sight of what is best for me. I still do what is right for myself / for others, but not at the detriment of my own happiness – which is a real improvement for me! As a result, I am a happier person! I am still being supportive and giving to others but I ensure that I still leave myself with quality time to do the things I love."
Crossroads/Turning Points - Catherine - Click here
The contract Catherine worked on is due to end in a couple of years, so this was a great time to review her life and decide what she wanted from the next stage. Did she want to carry on as before or make a change?
"I learned that I had a core talent – it was so automatic that I took for granted – yet it is really very special. I also had the time to review what I have always wanted to do with my life. As a result, I created a development plan that will help me explore my passion for further education and volunteering. I am now full of drive, enthusiasm and focus!"
" The chance to get away from work and meet other people from the business, some of whom I am till in touch with, was brilliant. It was also very special to receive honest feedback about what people saw in me. And of course, I did the same for them. And the biggest learning from all of it? I am not alone – there are other people out there feeling just as confused as me and we can do a masses to help each other – fantastic!"